The application procedure for the supply of laboratory mouse
Please follow the procedure outlined below when you apply for live mice or frozen-embryos from the Center for Animal Resources and Development (hereinafter called ''CARD'').
- Document required (requestmouse.pdf
234kb for download)
1) Application form for the supply of laboratory mice
2) Agreement form for the supply of mouse resources
3) Approval form from the depositor
- Form 1) and form 2) should be filled in and sent to the address
- Form 3) does not need to be exactly the same as the form
in requestmouse.pdf.
- In the case of form 3), please keep the original form and
send a copy to the address below(CARD).
--->Please refer to step 2) of the Application procedure
shown below.
- All documents should be addressed to:
Division of Reproductive Engineering
Center for Animal Resources and Development (CARD),
Kumamoto University
2-2-1, Honjo, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto 860-0811, Japan
- Please e-mail any inquiries to : card
- Application procedure
1) The Agreement form for the supply of laboratory mice undersigned by the authorized representative of the institution of the applicant is required.
2) The supply condition of the laboratory mice on the International Mouse Strain Resources (IMSR) database should be checked. If there are any conditions, it is
necessary for the applicant to get the Approval form from the depositor. For your reference, an example of Approval form is shown in requestmouse.pdf.
3) The Application form, the Agreement form and the Approval form should be sent to CARD.
4) After receiving the invoice, the payment shall be made to a bank account designated by the invoice.
5) The receipt with your signature and the container for transportation of frozen-embryos should be returned to CARD as soon as possible.
- Payment
The Recipient should pay the Price of mouse resources by the date of payment of invoice issued by National University Corporation, Kumamoto University and should pay the fee remittance,
the shipping expense for sending the mouse resources and the return expense of the shipping container. Payment should be made in Japanese Yen by the transfer of funds to a bank account designated
by the invoice. Accounts not paid by the date of payment shall be deemed delinquent and are subjected to interest charges of five percent (5 %) per annum on the unpaid balance.
- Price
For each supply of frozen-embryos (40 embryos per tube) 146,020
Japanese Yen
For each supply of mice derived from frozen-embryos 189,540 Japanese Yen
For each supply of frozen-sperm (2 straws) 27,170 Japanese Yen
- Techniques
The distribution of live mouse and frozen sperm/embryos are based on reproductive engineering techniques of mouse.
This web site has practical details about the techniques. For distribution of the techniques, CARD holds training courses.

update 2016.03.24
Center for Animal Resources & Development,
Kumamoto University,
TEL:81-96-373-5354 FAX:81-96-3