Mice health management

At the Animal Facility, animal care managed monitor mice are used to monitor the health of all mice at mice rooms.

Care and examination of monitor mice

By inspecting and caring for the monitor mice using the method below, the health of all mice in the animal care rooms can be monitored.
  1. The air flow of animal care rooms is controlled and designed so that air flows into monitor cages after passing through other cages.
  2. When cages are changes during animal care management, a small amount of feces from animal care cages in the mice rooms is added to monitor mice cages.
  3. Monitor mice raised for more than 10 weeks are then examined.

Mice examination items

 Pathogenic microorganisms that have been identified with respect to monitor mice are shown below. (2015/10/02)
Examination items examination method
Ectromelia virus
Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus
Mouse adenovirus
Mouse hepatitis virus
Pneumonia virus of mice
Sendai virus
Sialodacryoadenitis virus
CAR  bacillus
Citrobacter rodentium
culture; DHL agar culture medium
(caecal content)
Clostridium piliforme
Corynebacterium kutscheri
culture; FNC culture medium
(trachea, laryngopharynx, caecal content)
Helicobacter hepaticus
CR (feces)
Mycoplasma pulmonis
culture; PPLO broth broth
(trachea, laryngopharynx)
Salmonella typhimurium
culture; DHL agar medium
(caecal content)
★Pseudomonas aeruginosa
culture; NAC agar medium
(caecal content)
★Pasteurella pneumotropica
culture; blood sample agar medium
★Staphylococcus aureus
culture; mannitol with vitellus,
Salt culture medium(caecal content)
Aspiculuris tetraptera
naked-eye observation of imago
(proximal portion of colon)
Syphacia obvelata
microscopic examination; observation of eggs using cellophane tape method (perianal region)
Syphacia muris
microscopic examination; observation of eggs using cellophane tape method (perianal region)
Giardia muris
microscopic examination; direct smear sample (duodenal content)
Spironucleus muris
microscopic examination; direct smear sample (duodenal content)
Trichomonas spp.
microscopic examination; direct smear sample (caecal content)
microscopic examination; observation of imago using cellophane tape method, observation of eggs (fur)
ELISA:enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay、IFA:Indirect fluorescent antibody method、
★: immunodeficient animals only

  • New web site is opened.

Animal experimentation at Kumamoto University
How to use
Regarding experiments with genetically modified organisms
Mice breeding method
Animal management
Regulation of pathogenic microorganisms

Creation of genetically modified mice
Microbial Quality Control
Mouse Bank

Gene Technology Center
Kumamoto University

Kumamoto University
Institute of Resource Development and Analysis
Center for Animal Resources and Development

2-2-1 Honjo, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto-shi
TEL  :096-373-6550
FAX  :096-373-6552
Email :mimura(a)kumamoto-u.ac.jp
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