Animal procurement
The Animal Facility, as a general rule in order to raise experiment animals in good health and in a stress-free environment, will only allow animals without pathogenic microbiological infection to be brought in and raised in the facility.
For researchers to obtain animals, they must buy animals from breeders that deal with reliable animal traders, or have the obtained animals go through quarantine. Also, there is the method where a variety of genetically modified mice can be prepared from gametes stored in the
Mouse Bank.
See the following for details.
Purchasing of animals
- To make an order to purchase animals, please go through the Animal Facility.
- Please fill in the information for the animals that you wish to obtain and download the "animal breeding application form"
Obtain forms here for the Main Bldg., and here for the New Bldg.
- Please put the filled-out application form in the post box at the entrance of the Main Bldg. or New Bldg.
Please make sure to put the form in the post box at least 10 days before the day you need the animal to be available.
- The facility staff will place orders for animals with the animal trader.
- The animals will be available at the Animal Facility by the set date.
After the animal has arrived, the facility staff will begin animal care management procedures.
- The researcher will be able to perform experiments at any time.
- An invoice for the cost of purchasing the animal will be sent to the researcher. The researcher must pay the animal trader directly. In regards to prices, please see here for reference.
Obtaining animals from other facilities
- Before attempting to bring in an animal from somewhere outside our facilities, please contact one of our staff. We are able to advise in regards to important points related to controlling pathogenic microorganisms and laws that must be obeyed related to the transport of genetically modified animals.
->Contact List (Internal University use only)
Mouse Bank System
- Kumamoto University's animal experimentation facilities operate a Mouse Bank system. Using this system, it is possible to obtain a variety of genetically modified mice that have been stored in the Mouse Bank.
In regards to the mice that are stored, refer here (CARD R-BASE).
- Kumamoto University's Mouse Bank System is linked to Mouse Banks the world over and therefore any strain of mouse can be made available.
Please contact us at the address below.
->Contact List (Internal University use only)